Acquisition of 2 Toyota 4X4 Hilux double cabin vehicles
Acquisition of 2 Toyota 4X4 Hilux double cabin vehicles for the Project “Fostering agricultural development, the promotion of the sustainable economy and local governance with particular attention to women and young people” (Convenio)
Tender documents
Supplies contract
Reference: 2022/CONV/000401
Client: Caritas Mauritania
Acquisition of two Toyota 4X4 Hilux double cabin vehicles for the Project “Fostering agricultural development, promoting the sustainable economy and local governance with particular attention to women and young people”, Reference 2022/CONV /000401
Instructions to bidders
By submitting his offer, the tenderer accepts all, without restriction, of the general and specific conditions which govern this contract, as being the only ones basis of this call for tenders procedure, regardless of its own conditions of sale, which it declares to renounce. Bidders are deemed to have carefully reviewed and complied with all forms, instructions, contractual provisions and specifications contained in this tender document. The tenderer who does not provide all the necessary information and documents within the required time frame will have his offer rejected. No reservations expressed in the offer in relation to the tender documents can be taken into account; any reservation may result in the immediate rejection of the offer without further evaluation.
These instructions to tenderers define the rules for submission, selection and implementation of contracts within the framework of this call for tenders.
1 Purchasing market
The object of the contract is the supply and delivery, by the holder, of two (2) Toyota vehicles of the 4X4 Hilux double cabin type. The vehicles will be used on the tracks in its intervention area. The expected characteristics are as follows:
- 4 or 5 cylinder diesel or turbo diesel engine;
- Power 150 HP
- 5 seats minimum;
- Suspensions and tires adapted to frequent traffic on track, with mud and sand;
- 2 spare wheels;
- Air conditioning;
- Driver and passenger airbags;
- User booklet;
- Tool kit
- Complete parts and labor warranty, except natural wear and tear of the vehicle: at least 24 months or 50,000 kilometers, whichever comes first.
The implementation period of this contract is set at a maximum of 30 days from the signing of the order.
1. 2 NA
1. 3 Bidders are not authorized to tender for a variant in addition to this tender.
2 Participation
2.1 Participation in the procedure is open to all natural and legal persons established in one of the ACP countries and member states of the European Union, as well as to international organizations.
3 Origin
4 Motto
4.1 Offers must be expressed in MRU (Ouguiya). The currency of the offer will be that of the contract and payment.
5 Lot
5.1 The bidder can only make one offer for the lot covered by this contract (2 vehicles).
5.2 The tenderer may include in his offer the overall discount he will grant in the event of award of the contract. The discount must be clearly indicated, so that it can be announced during the public tender opening session.
6 Validity period
6.1 Each bidder remains bound by his offer for a period of 90 days from the deadline for submission of offers.
7 Language of offers
7.1 Bids, correspondence and documents associated with bids exchanged between the tenderer and the contracting authority must be written in the language of the procedure which is French.
When the accompanying documents provided by the tenderer are not drawn up in one of the official languages of the European Union, a translation into the language of the call for tenders should be attached. When the accompanying documents are drawn up in one of the official languages of the European Union, other than that of the procedure, it is nevertheless strongly recommended to provide a translation into the language of the procedure, in order to facilitate the evaluation of the documents .
8 Presentation and submission of offers
8.1 Offers must be received before the deadline of Monday December 4, 2023 at 4:00 p.m., in a sealed envelope with the project reference “2022/CONV/000401”. They must include all the documents specified in point 9 of these instructions.
8.2 Offers are sent by carrier and submitted before December 4, 2023 at 4:00 p.m., to the Caritas Mauritania secretariat, who will sign a receipt. A signature list is used to record offers on their receipt date.
8.3 Deposit address:
Island L, NOT MD L n°109,
Tevragh Zeina, Nouakchott
Telephone: +222 45 25 15 41 / 45 25 65 60 / port. 42 22 39 40
“Behind the residence of the Palestinian Ambassador, on the television axis towards the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in front of Dare Tata”
Not to be opened before the tender opening session
9 Content of the offers
All offers presented must include in particular:
Part 1: the technical offer:
Part 2: the financial offer:
Additionally, documentation must include:
(i) registration in the trade register (RC number),
(ii) tax registration (TIN number),
(iii) the tax regularity certificate,
(iv) the certificate of regularity with the social security fund (CNSS)
(v) a declaration from the bidder, by which "the company declares that it has not committed any act likely to influence the process of carrying out the project to the detriment of the beneficiary and in particular that no agreement has been reached or 'will intervene'.
(vi) a declaration from the bidder, by which “the company declares that the negotiation, awarding and execution of the offer has not given rise and will not give rise to an act of corruption as defined by the United Nations Convention against Corruption dated October 31, 2003 »
10 Taxes and other charges
This contract is exempt from import taxes, VAT and stamp and registration duties.
11 Opening of offers
11.1 Candidates who have submitted their proposals are invited, on Tuesday December 5, 2023 at 10:00 a.m., to the opening of applications at the Caritas Directorate. Each candidate or candidate's representative presents their financial offer. In the absence of a candidate, their financial offer will be presented by a member of the Caritas procurement committee.
A report will be drawn up by the commission and will be available on request.
11.2 Any attempt by a tenderer aimed at influencing the Caritas Procurement Commission in the procedure of examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of tenders or aimed at obtaining information on the progress of the procedure or to influence the contracting authority in its decision relating to the award of the contract entails the immediate rejection of its offer.
12 Evaluation of offers
12.1 Examination of administrative compliance of offers
The purpose of this phase is to verify whether the offer complies, in substance, with the main requirements of the tender documents. An offer is considered compliant when it complies with all the terms and conditions and specifications contained in the tender documents, without significant deviations or restrictions.
12.2 Technical and financial evaluation of offers
One week after the opening of the bids, the Director, or her representative, convenes the meeting of the procurement committee to examine the offers. The proper organization of this meeting is the responsibility of the Director or her representative. The purpose of this meeting is to assess the different offers by evaluating them according to a suitable grid.
12.3 Publication of results
One week after the examination work, the Director or her representative publishes the results. An e-mail is sent to all bidders to inform them of the choice and the motivations of the procurement committee.
Signature of the contract and guarantee of good execution
13.1 The successful tenderer is informed in writing that his offer has been accepted. He will be asked to immediately produce the following elements:
- Certificate of origin of the vehicle, signed by the manufacturer;
- Document authenticity declaration form;
- Bank identity statement for payment.
13.2 Once these elements have been gathered, and no later than one week later, a contract proposal is submitted to the selected supplier(s). If the requested elements are not met within this one-week period, the contract will not be offered, and the contract will be awarded to the supplier having obtained the 2nd best score, and so on.
13.3 Within 10 days after receipt of the contract signed by the contracting authority, the successful tenderer must sign and return the contract to the contracting authority. Upon signature, the successful bidder becomes the contract holder and the contract enters into force.
13.4 After payment, the supplier produces a paid invoice.
14 Cancellation of the tender procedure
In the event of cancellation of a call for tenders, bidders must be notified of the cancellation by the contracting authority. When the call for tenders is canceled before the tender opening session, the unopened and sealed envelopes are returned to the bidders.
Cancellation may occur in the following cases:
The contracting authority will under no circumstances be required to pay damages, including without limitation damages for loss of profit, linked to the cancellation of a call for tenders, even if the contracting authority has been informed of the possibility of damages. The publication of a call for tenders notice in no way commits the contracting authority to implement the announced program or project.
15 Suspensive clause
The award of the contract is conditional on the availability of funds and the signing of the subsidy contract between the contracting authority and the project lessor.
16 Remedies
If a bidder considers himself wronged by an error or irregularity committed during a selection or procurement procedure, he can file a complaint with the Caritas Mauritania secretariat. His complaint will be examined within one week.